Monday, June 4, 2007

Taiji Boxing

Just glance at me, I am looking more than a little bit Chinese after nearly two weeks. Yesterday was our first Taiji lesson with Huang Laoshi, one of the Chinese language teachers who also studies Taiji. This is harder than it looks. It's not exactly what I was hoping for when I saw "Taiji boxing" on the sign-up sheet, but still, I am glad to be able to exercise with such a good looking group of people, even if I won't get the opportunity to fight with them.

Last night another language student and I discovered where all of Shanghai's three Latin Americans hang out, a bar called Mural that was hosting a Salsa band from Puerto Rico. My confidence remained high after seeing the limited dancing abilities of the Chinese men in attendance.


Anonymous said...

What is so difficult about the 'boxing'?


Getting the correct moves down?

Anonymous said...

pet my kat

Will Jungman said...

I imagine the average salsa ability in my country of study might surpass that of your country of study.